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The simplest way to find an application, appeal or enforcement notice is to use our planning application search or building warrant search. Planning application.On our online planning system, you can find weekly or monthly lists of applications for the community council area or ward that you are interested in.How can you find out about planning decisions? There are several ways you can find out about decisions that have been made on planning applications –.All you need to know to find out if you need planning permission - advice, guidance and policies to help you through the process.This form should be used for general planning enquiries. If you are looking for advice from our planning officers before you make a planning application or.Find and comment on planning applications - Argyll and Bute.Planning applications - Argyll and Bute CouncilPlanning decisions - Argyll and Bute Council
Comments need to reasonably relate to the particular application, and principally include the Development Plan, central government policies and guidance, non.Pre application advice is an informal advice service provided by the planning authority on a variety of planning related topics. These topics can include.The Local Development Plan is due to replace the Local plan and Structure plan as the overall planning policy for the area in early 2015. You can find out more.You may also need planning permission, so please check before starting the. The Building Standards Division (BSD) have asked Argyll and Bute Building.We shall investigate any alleged breaches of planning or listed building control, unauthorised development and also strategically monitor any consents that.Weekly List of Valid Planning Applications - Argyll and Bute.Planning enquiries - Argyll and Bute CouncilBuilding Standards - Argyll and Bute Council. juhD453gf
Under permitted development, some work can go ahead without the need to apply to the council. Full details can be found on the planning pages.Argyll and Bute Council. Local Development Plan (Incl of PandP) - Proposals Maps Book, 56.30. Pre Application advice for major planning applications.The general sustainable design guidance for Argyll has been split into four. is needed for each stage of the planning process and by using this guide we.Reference: 20/01573/PP. Offcer: Allocated To Area Office. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 06 - Cowal. Community Council: Colintraive.LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2│ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL │ii. Sustainable Development. development and is used in the determination of planning applications.2. Planning applications – Argyll and Bute Council. Before you make an application. All.Reference: 20/01934/PP. Offcer: Br ian Close. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 06 - Cowal. Community Council: Cair ndow Community.The written statement provides the general policy context against which planning applications for new development proposals should be assessed.Planning permission is required for most development that takes place in. Argyll and Bute Council planning department have prepared an Enforcement and.The applications listed below together with the plans and other documents submitted with them may be viewed electronically through Argyll and Bute Council.The main aim of the Community Planning Partnership is to deliver the outcomes within the Argyll and Bute Outcome Improvement Plan (ABOIP).The Planning Department. Argyll and Bute Council. Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre. 38 East King Street. Helensburgh. G84 7PG.Co-ordination and support for the Health and Wellbeing Network in Mid Argyll. Support for the Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership.The plan will cover all of the Argyll and Bute Council area,. where a separate Local Development Plan is prepared by the National Park Authority.It contains the following information: applications for warrant and amendments to warrants; decisions on the applications; submissions of completion.Further to the publication of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations. 2013, the Planning Authority are no.From 1 April, there will be an administration charge on any applications submitted as hardcopy that are capable of being submitted via the e-Planning portal.Reference: 21/00248/PP. Offcer: Steven Gove. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 08 - Isle Of Bute. Community Council: Bute Community.Reference: 21/00751/PP. Offcer: Steven Gove. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 06 - Cowal. Community Council: Kilfinan Community.Reference: 21/00427/PP. Offcer: Br ian Close. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 06 - Cowal. Community Council: Kilmun Community Council.Reference: 20/01794/MIN. Offcer: David Love. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 03 - Mid Argyll. Community Council: Dunadd Community.Reference: 20/00337/PP. Officer: Br ian Close. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 07 - Dunoon. Community Council:.Further advice and guidance can be obtained from the local planning authority for the relevant area. No liability is accepted by the authors or publishers for.Weekly Planning list for 07 June 2013 Page 1. Argyll and Bute Council. Planning. Weekly List of Valid. Planning Applications. Week ending 07 June 2013.Department: Development and Infrastructure. Closing Date: Friday 14th January 2022. This is an exciting opportunity to help shape one of the.Argyll and Bute District Council area and the Helensburgh and Lomond area of the. Plan through the processing of planning applications and related.Enforcement Register 2021. The files below are details of each Planning Enforcement notice issued in Argyll and Bute in 2021. You can.The public play a vital role in reporting these breaches to the Council. Enquiries can be made by telephone to the relevant area office but must be followed up.In determining planning applications for marine aquaculture the Council must have regard to the National Marine Plan and subsequent Regional Marine Spatial.The lists below summarise the planning decisions taken under delegated powers, by Argyll and Butes Planning Officers. Full details of all the applications.Appeals to the Scottish Government · an applicant seeks a local review because the planning authority official had not decided the planning application within.Argyll and Bute Council. Planning. Weekly List of Valid. Planning Applications. Week ending 26 November 2021. 26/11/2021 9:10.Argyll and Bute Council. General planning information. Planning Performance Framework - find out how we are performing andgt; · Street naming and.An SPZ requires the preparation of an SPZ Scheme by the planning authority, which is a series of documents that details the types of development and nature of.Reference: 19/02157/PPP. Officer: Steven Gove. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 08 - Isle Of Bute. Community Council:.Post: Argyll and Bute Council, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8RT *We have very. Oban, Lorn and the Isles - 21/00283/LIB. Offcer: Steven Gove. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 08 - Isle Of Bute. Community Council: Bute Community.Weekly Planning list for 14 December 2012 Page 1. Argyll and Bute Council. Planning. Weekly List of Valid. Planning Applications.Reference: 20/01285/PP. Offcer: Steven Gove. Telephone: 01546 605518. Ward Details: 06 - Cowal. Community Council: Kilfinan Community.